Thursday, July 28, 2016



Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Even though we’re quick to jump to the conclusion and blame stress for our wrinkles and premature hair loss we should know that stress can’t be blame for every health problem we encounter.
Most diseases have their recognizable symptoms and our body always reveals what we might be suffering from, we just need to know how to read the signals it sends. Something that looks like chronic fatigue at first glance can be a result of allergies or poor nutrition. Here’s what your body is telling you if you have swollen feet, tired eyes, dry skin, excessive hairiness and yellowish eyes.

Swollen feet
Swollen feet can be the result of many conditions like muscle strains, injuries, infection and so on. Feet tend to swell during pregnancy, as a result of excessive weight and certain medications which cause water retention in the lower part of the body which is manifested through our swollen feet.
There are certain diseases which are also associated with swollen feet, like some cardiovascular conditions, which are quite common lately and result in water retention I the ankles, legs and feet.
Tired eyes
If you’ve spend a couple of sleepless nights in a row you know why your eyes look red and tired. However, if you’re sleeping just fine but your eyes still look tired then maybe you should pay more attention to your diet.
Swollen eyes occur when liquids gather under the thin skin under our eyes which can be caused by a number of things like allergies or crying. But still, the most common reason for this problem is excessive salt intake.
Dry skin
We’ve all had to deal with dry skin from time to time. This problem is usually caused by wind exposure or taking too hot showers. However, it can be caused by something more serious as well, like disrupted thyroid function or lack of some essential nutrients in your body. Dry skin can also be caused by arteriosclerosis, especially if you have dry patches on your feet, legs and chin. When arteries get blocked they can’t supply the needed amount of nutrients and the skin receives less oxygen, making it dry and cracked.
Hairiness in unusual places
Women are not supposed to have hairs in certain places, that’s just how biology works. Aside from being an esthetic problem, excessive hairiness can be a result of some serious medical condition.
Polycystic ovaries can cause hairiness in some unusual areas, in addition to causing infertility, irregular periods and even the lack of periods. More than  70% of the women suffering from polycystic ovaries syndrome have problems with excessive hairiness on the face, chest, back, hands and feet, which is not typical for women.
Yellow eyes
Our eyes are not just the mirror to our soul but they’re also a mirror to our health. Usually our whites will report any problem with our health in time but if they’ve gotten yellowish you’ve got a reason to worry.
In adults it can be a sign a liver disease, like cirrhosis or hepatitis. High bilirubin count is the leading cause of yellow eyes. Anyone who notices that his eyes are getting a yellowish color should visit their doctor immediately.


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